Practice Exam Updates

Our exams have been updated to reflect a more accurate testing experience.  We feel that this will help candidates prepare for the real exam.  They now have the following additional attributes:

  • Inability to “check” answers – this is reflective of the current CISSP exam which no longer allows you to mark questions for review.
  • Inability to “go back” – this is also reflective of the current exam, which no longer allows you to go back (similar to the above).
  • Scores are given at the end – simply click “view questions” and your domain scores and answer tips will be given at the end of the exam.  

In addition to the changes above, our exams have always had the following attributes making CISSPrep a better overall experience than the other online test banks:

  • Innovative questions – our questions are extremely difficult, as is the real exam.  As of the 2018 refresh, both difficulty level and style of the questions were changed.  Many people, including instructors have downplayed this fact, but don’t be fooled!  The reduced exam length is no indication that the exam is easier.  ISC2 admits on their website that their exam is experience-based and is updated continuously.  We have done our best to mirror this behavior.
  • Timed – our exams end if you don’t complete them in time, just like the real thing.  Other sites only tell you how much time you spent answering the questions, which does not give you a true experience.
  • Weighted questions – exams are scored in accordance with the domain weights. Our system isn’t as robust as ISC2, but it will give you a good idea where you might need improvement.

We hope these updates help our users to feel better prepared for the exam.  Best of luck in your studies and please feel free to reach out if you have any issues or questions with the site.  Cheers.