Feedback Received – and 1,300 Questions

We value, appreciate, and consider all customer feedback. Recently we were given feedback that our exams lacked a few specific topics that were confirmed as testable (despite some instructors insisting that those topics were not on the exam). We also received feedback about the length of a few of our questions. As a result, we are in the process of reviewing our earlier exams for conciseness and inclusion of certain topics. Thank you to all members who’ve helped us to improve the site!

We are also happy to share that we now have approximately 1,300 questions and more on the way awaiting peer review. We have a goal of 2,000 questions and will make an effort to get there before the CISSP content is refreshed in May of 2021, however this will depend on several factors since, as some of you know, we maintain this site in our spare time.

We stand by our assertion that our questions are the best currently on the market. Our goal is to prepare you for the exam experience itself, and for the style of questions you will face (which nobody else seems to be doing). We also try to teach you how to properly wade through this style of question so that you can attain the highest level of preparedness.

If you’ve contacted us with feedback and haven’t gotten a response, please be patient, we’re working on it! Thank you to everyone who has supported the site thus far.

1 thought on “Feedback Received – and 1,300 Questions

  1. sriram easwaran

    I just signed in for this service and already very impressed with the contents.
    Thanks for providing this to aspiring CISSP’s.


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