We are happy to announce that our questions for Domain 1 through 4 have been fully updated (but 4 is not posted yet). Domains 1 – 3 have been finished and posted for a few weeks now, and recently we finished Domain 4 and we will begin trickling in the new questions over the next few days.
Going forward, and just to let everyone know, these newer questions will either go into a domain-based quiz with 15 questions, or will simply go “into the bank” for a new feature we’re working on (which will be a true exam experience).
On the horizon… Domain 5 has only two new topics, so that will be a quick update.
Domain 6 only has four remaining new topics.
Domain 7 has 25 new topics, so that will take us a while.
Domain 8 has 8 remaining new topics. We anticipate a full site update within the next two weeks, but, that could just be my optimistic side speaking, so please continue to be patient with us during this time just in case it takes longer.
Once all the new questions are done, we will post these “new” tidbits with their terminology into a newly identifiable portion of the study guide that will be reserved for members only (i.e. a list of all the new terms and concepts). We will re-examine some of our old questions that were flagged as either too rudimentary or lacking with their explanations. These questions will either be revised or “tossed” into the bin. Once all is said and done, we’ll most likely have fewer than 1,500 questions, but in all honesty we feel that quality is much better than quantity.
We want to thank everyone for their ongoing patience while we update, and wish you all the best of luck in your studies!