We are pleased to share that our Domain 7 questions are now fully updated. We apologize for the short delay in getting these out the door – we are not a big company with unlimited resources and we don’t have hundreds of people working on this. Things often come up that force us to prioritize how we spend our spare time. In this case, summer and family obligations arose that couldn’t be avoided, but we’re back in the swing of things full force and are excited for what’s next in the lineup.
Domain 7 Quiz 8 is now live, and contains the new material found in Domain 7. We previously identified 20 some-odd topics that needed to be covered, but this is no longer the case (14 to be exact). Sometimes as we go through the Common Body of Knowledge in more depth we discover that the topic is already covered, or that the material provided by ISC2 doesn’t have anything concrete we can use to write a question. In some cases, they simply add more “fluff” to a previously existing paragraph or page from the CBK (yes, we’ve kept the older versions and can verify that).
So without further ado, stop wasting your time reading this and get back to your studies! (with all due respect of course). Good luck my fellow students 😉